Winter Senate Meeting Agenda & Motions

Your SWE Senators will be braving the cold temperatures in Minneapolis, MN on February 10, 2018 for the SWE Winter Senate Meeting. The agenda for the meeting is attached below.


One motion, S-1808, is on the table for the Winter Senate Meeting. Please see the below Motion Submission Form for more information. The Finance Committee supports this motion with the following: “The Finance Committee is in full support of the motion to adopt the revised reserve fund document. Extensive review and development went into the proposed changes with participation from Finance Committee leadership and the entire committee has been briefed on the updates.”


If you have any questions or comments, please contact Fran, Lucy, or Nadia.

WE17 Bylaws Motions Published

The Bylaws Committee has reviewed proposed changes to the Society’s bylaws and are presenting them to the membership. The Senate will vote on these proposed changes during WE17 on Saturday, October 28th, in Austin, TX. The motions have been published to the All Together Blog for all members to view here:

These motions are a result of the ongoing work to improve the functionality and efficiency of SWE’s governance structure. For more information on the several years of work, deliverables, and milestones related to the proposed governance changes, please see and this overall rationale summary for these bylaws amendment proposals.

The proposals include the following motions:
Motion S-1803: Senate and Regions
Motion S-1804: Collegiate Member Voting Rights
Motion S-1805: Competency Model for Nominations and Elections
Motion S-1806: Standing Committees
Motion S-1807: Members at Large President

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Fran, Lucy, or me.